Credit Unions
Over our 40 year history, BCA has developed a strong professional reputation within the Credit Union movement. We act as auditors to 12 Credit Unions across Ireland in addition to providing advisory services to many more. Our advisory services include the provision of advice on compliance with legislation and regulation.
The local Credit Union continues to be the cornerstone of many Irish communities as it has over the past fifty years. It is becoming more important as the traditional banking sector seeks to restructure their local services and lending activities. The Credit Union sector is well positioned to develop a broader range of products and services for members through both independent and collective means.
Recently, the sector has seen fundamental change in its operations and regulatory reporting requirements. There remains a greater emphasis on risk management, data protection (GDPR) and corporate governance. The maintenance and security of IT systems is now a vital element of a Credit Union’s strategic development.
At BCA, we have a dedicated specialist team that understand this is a critical time for Credit Unions. Our Credit Union team will provide you with an informed, consistent approach to help you effectively manage any issues.
Annual Statutory Audit
BCA ensures that your Credit Union’s audit is compliant with all statutory and regulatory requirements.
Independent Review
We undertake an independent review of your Credit Union’s corporate governance, loans, investments, fixed assets and value in use (VIU).
Internal Audit
We will provide independent assurance that your Credit Union’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively.
Internal Control
We assess your internal control systems to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of your operating procedures.

Risk and Compliance Reviews
BCA will ensure that your Credit Union meets all the financial requirements imposed by the the Credit Union Act.

Fraud and Forensic Accounting Investigations
We have a dedicated fraud and forensic accounting team with the relevant expertise and experience

HR and Payroll
BCA provides a range of HR and Payroll support services to help Credit Unions comply with its obligations under employment legislation.

Strategic Development
Our dedicated BCA team will provide expert advice on future strategies and setting strategic goals.

Investment Methodology Review

Policy and Procedure Development


Transfer of Engagements
Credit Union Specialists