Agriculture Business
As we are located in the heart of Ireland’s agricultural landscape at BCA we have a deep knowledge and insight into the issues that make the difference to maximising the returns for an agri business.
We are also conscious of the issues that are relevant in planning for the handing over of a successful family farm from one generation to the next and how this might be done in a tax efficient and seamless manner.
Recent legislative changes have also been introduced to encourage the expansion of farming enterprises and the availability of farm lands to young progressive farmers. At BCA we can guide you through the implications of farm partnerships and the tax credits and reliefs available for letting of farm holdings.

As the general economic recovery takes hold, more and more agri businesses are finding it difficult to resolve the conflict between the income tax burden and meeting day to day cashflow commitments.
At BCA we can guide you through the pros and cons of incorporating your agri business and help to provide an insight into the opportunities and pitfalls that may arise from incorporation.
A key component of any successful agri business is the availability of appropriate finance to facilitate capital investment or expansion.
At BCA our advisory team can assist with developing a comprehensive business plan to assist with your bank finance application. A comprehensive business plan will help to clearly set out your goals and demonstrate the earning and cashflow viability of your enterprise.
As always our accounting team are on hand to deal with the annual compliance obligations and your routine accounting requirements.

Karen Kennedy
Audit ManagerKaren is a Chartered Accountant and is involved in the delivery of Audit & Accounting services to a range of clients across sectors such as construction, professional services, manufacturing, retail, professional services and agri business.MORE DETAILS