BCA operate a complete management accounting, back office support and payroll processing function which provides a comprehensive outsourcing facility to national and international clients across a range of industrial sectors.
Together with our other specialist departments we can offer advice on all matters relevant to your business. Our approach to the services provided is entirely client focused and service orientated.
Our services are often a flexible and cost effective alternative to employing in house financial controls or additional support to your finance function.

In any business, key financial decisions by management must be based on up to date financial information. This makes it vital to have effective management reporting.

We can prepare management accounts monthly or quarterly as appropriate and provide comparison of the actual results to forecasts and prior periods.

We can also assist in the preparation of financial forecasts and the setting and monitoring of key financial indicators relevant to your business.

Our services also extend to the preparation of year end accounts for you, with a fully cross-referenced working paper file ready for submission to the auditors.
Back Office Support
Our back office support services ensure that the accounting function of your business is updated and maintained on a daily basis and includes.
- Liaising and reporting to the overseas finance office
- Sales and purchase invoice processing
- Debtor and Creditor administration
- Maintenance of bank accounts
- Preparation and submission of VAT Returns
- Preparation of Management Reports

Payroll Solutions
Our Payroll Service ensures that all employees are paid on time and that all statutory requirements for employers are adhered to. This service includes:
- Preparation and processing of weekly, fortnightly, monthly payroll
- Processing of documentation for starters / leavers
- Benefit-in-kind calculations
- Pension deductions
- Submission of statutory payroll returns to Revenue Commissioners
- Provision of secure printed or electronic payslips
- Preparation of payroll reports to accounting function
- Third party reporting
- Electronic funds transfer and payroll payment processing
- Calculation of part-time and public holiday pay entitlements
- Annual compliance services, attendance at NERA inspections

Kevin O’Rourke
Payroll ManagerKevin is an accredited member of the Irish Payroll Association and has completed the advanced Diploma in Payroll Management. He has responsibility for leading the payroll team and delivering tailored payroll solutions to clients ranging from large multinationals to owner manged SME’s.MORE DETAILS
Patricia Hoare
Outsourcing ManagerPatricia is a qualified Chartered Certified Accountant and is a senior manager with BCA. She has responsibility for the overall management of outsourced accounting services to multinational companies and small medium enterprises (SME) in Ireland. MORE DETAILS